Description and objectives

The Section includes 8 different Units:

  1. MG-O&M Mini Grid Optimization with new Models and Electrification Master Plan (REM) – Uganda, Rwanda, Honduras, USA, Spain (managed by R. Del Citto);
  2. MG-EA Mini Grid Business model on Based Community Plants, Survey and data collection, Technical Catalogue – East Africa (managed by V. Gambino);
  3. ITREE-US i-Tree Energy model improvement by Field Studies USA – NY State, Univ. Molise, CNR (managed by A. Micangeli e P. Cherubini);
  4. MGOS-WA West Africa, OSEC ENEA, on Productive Electricity Uses – Italy, Cameroon (managed by S. Noubondieu);
  5. MG-HN Micro Grid Optimization based on field data – Central America, Honduras (managed by W. Enriquez);
  6. MG-CR Models and Components of Electric and Thermal Micro Grid – Central America, Costa Rica (managed by M. Ricci, E. Brenes);
  7. MFC-RM MFC possible uses in Developing Countries – France, Italy (managed by A. Pietrelli);
  8. MG-IT Sustainable Development Post Earthquake (Amatrice, Parchi Nazionali) in Central Italy (managed by A. Micangeli).

NEWS: Absolute Energy with support of EnDev successfully installed a solar hybrid mini-grid

Areas of interest

  • Micro Grid: design, development and testing, energy optimization of renewable energy plants in autonomous and networked contexts;
  • Scientific activity of dissemination of results through peer-reviewed international scientific journals and participations in national and international scientific conferences.

Combining the complementary competence of MIT in planning and Sapienza activities and the University of Pisa in the operation of energy activities significantly improves the present set of methodologies for rural electrification.

In fact, a new multidisciplinary approach is needed to set the optimal sizing and operation of the Mini-Grid, based on energy demand and social needs, which are not only site-specific, but should also increase and change as a result of electrification. The estimate of the long-term evolution of the load is essential to cover business risks, a factor that currently discourages public and private investment.

Composition of the Section

Andrea Micangeli, Ph.D., “Renewable Energy Systems”, Adj. Associate Professor S.U.N.Y. (State University of New York), DIMA-Sapienza University of Rome
t.: +39.388153787, +39 0644585258 (IT); +1(559)6633055 (USA)
Via. Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, DIMA Dept., Room nb. 1


  • Riccardo Del Citto
  • Valeria Gambino
  • Paolo Cherubini
  • Carlo Tacconelli
  • Serge Noubondieu
  • Marco Ricci
  • Andrea Petrelli
  • Nicola Stenico
  • Wimer Alexander
  • Erik Brenes
  • Caterina Celia
  • Daniele Viganò

International scientific collaborators:
The research groups involved have several international collaborations with universities and research centers. In the field of Data Collection and Development of Analytical Models of Smart Grid Multi Sources: promotion of Sapienza activities in collaboration with other Universities:

  • Università Sapienza, Latina
  • Università di Pisa
  • IREC -Barcelona
  • MIT – Boston
  • Comillas – Madrid
  • Hawaii Pacific University
  • Colorado State University
  • State Uni. of New York
  • Columbia New York
  • Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Universidad de Honduras
  • University of Cameroon
  • Strahmore University (Kenya)
  • Nairobi University
  • Berkley University of California


  • Conferences and Seminars:
    • Study Day on Micro Smart Grid;
    • IV International Engineering for Developing Communities;
    • Field Study Abroad – Seminars 2017-2018.
  • Education in national and international locations
    The group participates at 10 national and international Master’s Degrees / Degrees with lessons abroad on energy systems and off grid network solutions:

    • Italy – Degree in Energy Engineering (Sapienza); EFER Master (Sapienza) Del Citto;
    • UK – CSD, Center for Sustainable Development, Cambridge; OUCE, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, Oxford;
    • USA – EDC, Columbia NY; GLSD, Hawaii Pacific University; ERE, State University of New York; URAE, European University Institute (Firenze) – MIT (Boston).
  • Enhancement of research with “public engagement” and “experimental projects”
    • Third ANVUR Mission is implemented through the study and / or implementation of Micro Grid projects. The group works in coordination with Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa, an association that sees ENEL, with 16 companies and 4 Universities representing innovation, internationalization and presence of Italy in the USA, in Latin America and in Africa;
    • Revamping 20 Diesel minigrid with PV in East Africa;
    • 6 Micro Hydro Plant in Central America;
    • Collaboration with RES4Africa (Polytechnic and Businesses in Europe);
    • Micro Grid Academy continuous training project in Kenya.
  • Recent publications (see Italian version of the page)