Description and objectives

The section is divided into two main research areas:

  1. nature-culture relationship (conservation and enhancement of biodiversity and its cultural values);
  2. relationship between environment and society (social and environmental degradation, environmental disaster and socio-cultural consequences, cultural degradation and defense of rights).

Areas of interest

  • Actions to support social integration, cultural impact of international cooperation programs, management of the population in conditions of risk and/or living in situations caused by natural disasters;
  • Prevention and management programs for risks and hydrogeological disasters. Analysis of incidental events, estimation of consequences and their impact. Preparation of emergency plans;
  • Management of complex human social systems in their resilience and relationship with biodiversity, relationship dynamics between majorities and minorities.

Composition of the Unit


Barbara Turchetta
IUL University – Indire, Florence University
e-mail: e


  • Sandro Moretti, Florence University
  • Fiorenzo Toso, Sassari University
  • Andrea Scala, Milan University
  • Margherita di Salvo, Federico II University, Neaples
  • Marco Costa (freelance)


Below is a list of projects and relevant publications carried out by the components of the Section.

Barbara Turchetta:
2006-2007: Consultant for UNICRI
2015-2017: Scientific manager for the South Sudanese refugee education programs of the Adjumani District, West Nile, Uganda (UNHCR, Acap NGO – Sant’Egidio)
2017-today: participation in the project funded by the Italian National Agency for Cooperation and Development, as part of the emergency program for refugees and displaced victims of the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan.

Sandro Moretti:
2015-2016: Civil Protection Monitoring System – Responsible for monitoring the data acquisition and analysis of geohazards (funded by ECHO – EU);
2002-2015: Costa Concordia Monitoring System;
2012-2015: LAndslide Modelling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery management (LAMPRE) (funded by EU FP7);
2008-2011: Research Unit Coordinator in the DIGISOIL project (funded by EU FP7);
2008-2010: Project Coordinator in the Integrated Research Project SKY-EYE (funded by Region Tuscany and the EU);
2007-2013: Project coordinator in AIRSAFE (funded by Region Toscana and the EU).

Fiorenzo Toso:
2001-2006: Director of the international research project “Il Mediterraneo Plurilingue” (promoted by Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo dell’Università di Udine and ELSAG);
2009-2012: Member of the Local Research Unit for the project “Perdita, mantenimento e recupero dello spazio linguistico e culturale nella II e III generazione di emigrati italiani nel mondo: lingua, lingue, identità. La lingua e cultura italiana come valore e patrimonio per nuove professionalità nelle comunità emigrate” (FIRB 2009-2012);
2011→: Scientific coordinator of the action “Acquisizione, catalogazione, divulgazione opere religiose” of the project “Progetto pilota di qualità” (L. 241/1990, art. 15) Terra di monasteri, chiese e monumenti.

Andrea Scala:
2008→: participation to the Romani Morpho-Syntax Database (Romani Project- University of Manchester);
2016→: associate member of the Centre de recherches argotologiques (University of Craiova, Romania) and member of the scientific committee of the journal Argotica.

Margherita di Salvo:
2009-2012: Project “L’identità italiana tra particolarismi e globalizzazione” (Università Federico II, Napoli; University of Cambridge; University of Liège);
2013-2014: Project “Voci, parole e testi della Campania. Per un archivio sociolinguistico ed etnografico della Campania”;
2014-2017: member of the inter-university research unit on “Italiano Globale in Canada, percorsi migratori, conservazione e trasmissione linguistica” (Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Università di Napoli Federico II);
2017→: Principal Investigator in the project “TransIt-UK. Transnational migrations: the case of the Italians in the UK” (funded by Compagnia di San Paolo, in collaboration with Università Federico II di Napoli).

Marco Costa:
2015-2017: Responsible for the health and environmental programs for the sud sudanese refugees of the Adjumani District, West Nile, Uganda (UNHCR, Acap ONG – Sant’Egidio);
2017→: Participation in the project funded by the Italian National Agency for Cooperation and Development, as part of the emergency program for refugees and displaced victims of the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan;
2004-1998: Coordinator of several projects funded by the World Bank.