Hydroclimatology and quantum chemistry                             


Coordinator:MD Vincenzo Valenzi  Director department of Integrative Medicine & Biophysics Uuifeder 

With Hippocrates and his work Dell’Acqua dei Luoghi e dei Venti, Modern Medicine was born, which had in Climatotherapy and Thermal Treatments one of the pillars of the treatment and prevention of diseases .

The development of pharmaceutical means, from acetylsalicylic acid by the Risorgimento chemist from Scilla Raffaele Piria, to Pennicillin and finally to Streptomycin that defeated tuberculosis, marked the decline of Medical Climatology and Thermal Treatments themselves, victims of the speed and power of pharmacological treatment that has shown to have long-term limits, such as the problem of resistance to drugs and antibiotics in particular, in the treatment of certain diseases. At the same time, the imposition of new statistical scientific models that require large investments and, in the case of complex means of treatment such as climatotherapy and spa treatments, new intense basic and clinical fundamental research, which interpret persistent therapeutic effects (followed by millions of elderly people who return to the sources of treatment), in the progressive weakening of the scientific prestige of waters, muds, climates etc. that have seen their appeal progressively tarnished on the medical class and on the population that in fact, progressively, is abandoning climatic and spa centers.

The race for industrialization has slowed down (today also the electric EV one) and the perception of the damages on the environment and on health have grown in public opinion and in the legislative world and large Ecological Transition programs have been launched in Europe and throughout the world, in an attempt to reduce the environmental impact on health and on the global climate.

In this sense, the necessary paradigm shift is one in which it is demonstrated that although climatic and environmental conditions are harmful to health, there are also adequate climatic and environmental conditions that contribute to improving health and/or to favoring the favorable evolution of certain diseases.

The scientific and health relevance of Climatotherapy was relaunched in the 1980s and 1990s by two independent groups, in France by Hassan Razzouk who in Briançon promoted a network of 10 private clinics with nursery schools and a climatic high school for the treatment of childhood and adult allergies and asthma

and in the Ukrainian Carpathians by Vadym Berevzosky who studied the effects of the urban climate on children’s health compared to the mountain climate with a prevalence of diseases in the urban area of ​​Kiev a hundred times higher than that of childhood on the plateaus of Central Asia .

In the Carpathians, Berevzosky also observed (personal communication) how that mountain climate is capable of strengthening the immune defenses of patients affected by drug-resistant tuberculosis with the resolution of the disease.

An observation that would deserve further studies given the return of tuberculosis that is still very present in emerging countries.

In the same period in Rome, on the fringes of the scientific ecological movement, Massimo Scalia’s Sapienza group developed the Ions Meter that allows to measure in a repeatable and reliable way the ionization of the air, a parameter that appears to be linked to the therapeutic properties of climates and waters (see Scalia Valenzi’s review and alt

As part of the study on the effects of air ionization, a device for measuring the biological effects of negative and positive atmospheric ions was developed by APEC.

A large study was carried out in Pietracupa on the Molise Apennines at the same time as research conducted by the group of professors Pasquale Avino and Luca Lepore, with a first attempt to evaluate the effects of atmospheric chemistry

Of note was observed how the well-known and historical climatotherapeutic properties of Pietracupa on chronic pain were effective on colleagues and vacationers, who lived in Rome, perhaps also explainable in light of the prevalence of negative ions in the measurements carried out in that period, a sort of natural ionotherapy

The bioelectrical effects of climates appear measurable also with a special tester developed by Reinhold Voll, could account for the therapeutic capacity on pain and performance status of the Pietracupa climate and other therapeutic climates.

A research program was launched in a special climatic location near Rome on November 30, 2019, in a conference of great participation and great hope that relaunched the climatotherapeutic power of Poli who defeated the Plague of the seventeenth century and supported the neighbors of Palestrina, who granted the Polese honorary citizenship for life. The great manager Mario Spallone who built Villa Luana there also understood this, which highlighted the therapeutic power of the Polese climate adverse to COVID-19, as in the times of the Plague, as emerged from the raw data on morbidity and mortality from Covid in the guests of the Polese Clinic .

The conference proceedings remain a milestone for climate therapy research that along the seas, hills and mountain networks of Italy and Europe, could ease the anthropic pressure on tens of millions of people affected by chronic allergic, infectious diseases, integrated with modern care systems as Hassan Razzouk did admirably in Briançon,

A great past with an uncertain future, which requires intense theoretical, quantum biochemical, chemical-physical studies of the local and cosmic atmosphere, chronobiological, which can clarify the mechanisms of the historical (and current as we have seen) therapeutic capacities of many local climates, associated with controlled studies comparing therapeutic climates and urban climates, so as to guide the relaunch of the still active climatotherapeutic centers that must be verified by the necessary studies of revalidation of the climatotherapeutic properties.

A strategic contribution to Public Health and the weakest sectors and those predisposed to chronic diseases, from Chemical Multi-Sensitivities, to chronic respiratory diseases, osteoarticular diseases, etc., associated with the revitalization of increasingly abandoned and depopulated hilly and mountainous marine areas, to the detriment of increasingly crowded and unlivable urban areas

The founder of this Section, Prof. Massimo Scalia, has spent himself on this path and will guide us from above, inspiring us to new scientific and social conquests that are indispensable to our time.


On the way of transfer results from Advanced and Space Research  to daily life, we need a large LOOK AND SEE  and many others RCT of validation and certification of progress in the domain of ecological transition that find the core in BIOCOMPATIBILITY of process and  product (air, water, food, cosmetics, drapery,leather, ecc.)

The implementation of complex theory and TECHNOLOGIES of Coherence in biological systems could support industrial processes versus  ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION and a better relationship between Man and his Climate/Environment

Composizione della Sezione

Coordinatore:  MD Vincenzo Isabella Valenzi   Director department of Integrative Medicine & Biophysics Uuifeder 

Associate Members:

Luigi Campanella Dep. Of Chemistry Rome La Sapienza University

Guseppe Vitiello Honorary Prof. Dep. of Physics “E.R.Caianiello” Uni. Salerno

Odoardo Calamai LNF-INFN Frascati

Pasquale Avino Chemistry Molise University

Massimo Sperini Professor Bioelectromagnetism Tor Vergata Rome

Antonio Aceti Full Professor Rome La Sapienza University

External Collaborators

Konstantin Aptykin MD PHD Kiev

N’cho Assandé – Researcher Abidjan Ivory Coast

Eric Chavez Agrarian University -La Molina Peru

Nouri Gharbi Pneumologist VI University Paris, President Association Respir International

Madan Thangavelu Molecular Genomics Cambridge UK

Paolo Manzelli Theoretical Chemist University of Florence

Germaine Cornilessen Chronobiological Center “F.Halberg” Minneapolis

Svetlana Von Gratowsky Institute of Radiophysics RAS Moscow

Victor Koledov Institute of Radiophysics RAS Moscow

Jerome Benveniste Former ESA Frascati

Boris Vladimirsky CAO Sinferople

Svetlana Roghaceva Chemistry Saratov University

Maria Cristina Lucchetta PHD Medical Hydrology DMI&B Unifeder

Josephine Campanella MD Medical Hydroclimatology Section DMI&B Unifeder

Albina Pisani MD Medical Hydroclimatology Section DMI&B Unifeder

Gabriella Belisario Barberini Biologyst Rome

Francesca Pulcini expert in scientific dissemination, Edizioni Andromeda srl

Roberto Maglione Engineer Atmospheric energy scholar.

Pedro Damata Institute of Immunoallergology University of Lisbon

Salvatore Oliverio Director of the Department of Osteopathic Sciences University ISFOA-M.C.U.