Description and objectives

The new agriculture, characterized by a low environmental impact, considers with equal attention all aspects related to the agroecosystem: ecology, economy, sociology, management, culture, traditions and animal and plant production.

Main objective of the Section is the study of the agroecosystem as a whole, considering the interaction between environmental, social, economic, cultural and management components.

The Section aims to set up studies to maintain or create ecological infrastructures (hedges, trees, windbreaks, groves, puddles, ponds, pulp, springs, wetlands, uncultivated herbaceous margins, meadows, pastures, clearings, steppes), which can contribute to the self-regulation of the agricultural system, also increasing the ecosystem services. They provide alternative food to insects and shelter for natural predators of phytophages (pesticide substituents). These ecological infrastructures, in addition to creating micro-habitats also useful for agricultural production (biological struggle), have a strong ecological and landscape value. The Section will address the methodological aspects to diversify the agroecosystem productivity to secure the rural context and local community needs. This will be reached by increasing the widespread naturalness, reducing the landscape simplification, and diversifying natural and semi-natural habitats, according to the principles of Agroecology. Following these principles, the Section has competences to design arboreal-shrub-herbaceous associations to be established in the proximity of extensive areas for intensive agriculture and in lateral bands, to ensure an ecological network for birdlife, minor fauna and species of aquatic habitats. Fundamental aspect is the use of techniques for the protection and conservation of soil and water (ditches, hedges, trees and other structures of the agricultural landscape) by implementing hydraulic-agrarian settlements that are typical of each territory. The aspects concerning the rationalization of the use of mechanization are one of the primary areas of interest of the Section.

In the spirit of conservation and revaluation of agricultural heritage, the Section brings useful skills to cultivate and reproduce ancient varieties and races, according to their aptitude or vocation in relation to climate trends.

Attention will be given to the cultural, social and economic aspects present in the agro-ecosystems, which are intimately linked to agricultural production.

Areas of interest

  • Agriculture
  • Agro-ecology
  • Forests
  • Agricultural production and Climate Change
  • Agricultural heritage at national and global level
  • Agriculture and landscape
  • Gender mainstreaming in agriculture
  • Agri-environmental indicators

Composition of the Section


Prof. Stefano Grego, Multiple Dr. H.C.
WAHF World Agricultural Heritage Foundation
c/o CREA-RPS, Via della Navicella 4, Rome



Dr. Giovanni Di Matteo, CREA

Dr. Parviz Koohafkan, WAHF

Prof. Barbara Turchetta, Cirps

Prof. Sara Marinari, Tuscia University

Prof. Maria Cristina Moscatelli, Tuscia University

Prof. Danilo Monarca, Tuscia University

Dr. Anna Benedetti, CREA

Main international scientific collaborations:

Dr. Anja Byg, UK

Dr. Maria Nijnik UK

Dr. Concepción L. Alados, Spain

Prof Ελένη Αβραάμ, Greece

Dr. António Monteiro, Portugal

Dr. Miglena Zhiyanski, Bulgaria

Dr. Ivan Lakovic, Montenegro

Prof. Dinca Lucian, Romania


  • Research projects:
    • OLIVE IN NEPAL – 2017à
    • SENSFOR Cost Action – 2012/1016
  • Training:
  • Provision of technical – scientific services
  • Technological development and demonstration
  • Organization of scientific and technological events
    • EXPO 2015-Milano – 1-week Activity in KIP International School Pavilion